1g GT20029

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GT20029, is a PROTAC androgen receptor degrader, currently moving ahead with phase 3 clinical trials.


GT-20029 is a PROTAC (Proteolysis-Targeting Chimera) AR (Androgen Receptor) Degrader under development by Suzhou Kintor Pharmaceuticals, inc., a subsidiary of Kintor Pharmaceutical Limited. It is in a newer and innovative class of drugs targeting and degrading the androgen receptor. Among its benefits are the ability to target undruggable proteins, require lower doses, and high selectivity.

GT20029 is currently moving ahead with phase 3 clinical trials for the potential treatment sebaceous plaque and hair regeneration. During previous trials, no severe adverse events were observed and has been deemed to have a fairly good safety profile. [1]


Technical Data:

CAS: 2703021-51-4
Formula: C52H54F4N8O7S2
Molecular weight: 1043.16
Appearance: Powder
Purity: 98%
Storage: -20 C
Solubility: Soluble in Ethanol and DMSO.
Shelf life: 2 years


[1] https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/news/kintor-trial-aga-treatment/

Warning: For research use only. Not for human or patient use.